Your FREE Copy Of TapExpress

FREE Bonus #1: TapExpress Agency Website

To make it super easy and faster for you setup and get your Facebook Ads & Marketing Agency Business, you get a Professional Facebook Ads & Marketing & Publication Business websites.

The website comes with pricing table, features pages, about-us page, contact-us page, Facebook Ads & Marketing Agency Professional PayPal check out page and more ready and setup for you in 3 easy steps

FREE Bonus #2: TapExpress DFY Client Contract

Want to sell videos, website building or Voice-Marketing services to your clients but want to look professional? 

Client contracts gives you access to professional ""Client Contracts"" you can use when selling animation-marketing and videos to local clients, look more legit and professional, charge more!

FREE Bonus #3: TapExpress WP Members Pro

Using the powerful ClientFinder cloud based app you can find online and local businesses from around the world who are in desperate need for a website, mobile app, social media presense and more.

You can literally find 1000s of local businesses worldwide and start converting them into sales.

Find them, get their contact details and using the client contracts and meeting templates, reel them in to offer your services and make money. 

FREE Bonus #4: TapExpress Autoresponder

This is a premium video course that will show you how to practically generate 5-star reviews and awesome testimonials for your offers, even as a beginner…

The bare knuckle truth is that selling online especially as a beginner, requires you to have some level of social proof to solidify your credibility…

Nobody brings out his/her credit card if they don’t trust you, and for them to trust you, at the very least, you should have testimonials from other people saying good stuff about you, your service or your offer.

This is where this video course comes in very useful, it’ll show you how to generate great reviews and testimonials that you can use for your marketing.

FREE Bonus #5: Engage Chat

Engage Chat uses the power of engagement to take any visitor by the hand and converts them to a customer. By giving your visitor the control over your page, it makes them feel EMPOWEREDIt’s today’s alternative to crowded web pages that don’t perform!

FREE Bonus #6: Videohub Pro version with developer license

A whole new level of our flagship video monetization technology that allows you to...Instantly Create UNLIMITED & 10X MORE Profitable Video Campaigns. Generate 500% MORE

FREE Bonus #7: Social Directory Pro with developer license

It doesn't matter if you are selling Amazon products, pushing affiliate products,working with local businesses, or even building yourself as an Authority Figure.Change The Way You Market On Social Media with this "Simple Point-And-Click All Inclusive App" No installations. No need for servers. You don't even need domains!

Make sure you see affiliate ID #1378 on checkout to qualify for this bonus. The bonus is delivered automatically in your JVZoo receipt. If you do not see affiliate ID #1378 or have any issues getting your bonus, please contact us at

Copyright 2022 Barb Ling |